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The King of all Amazon FBA Sellers tools - Helium 10

Updated: Jul 18, 2020

Amazingly, Helium 10 has been a huge part of every Amazon FBA, FBM, Dropshipping Sellers' success. Its own internal processes have impressed everyone with its accurate data, tool functionality and versatility, and pricing is reasonable.

Helium10 is an all-in-one package of Amazon seller solutions that aims to do provide everything the busy Amazon seller needs to get ahead of the game.

Here are the lists of the King of all Amazon Sellers tools - Helium 10 tools functions and how it will help your Amazon stores growth.

Helium 10 Cerebro

Cerebro is a reverse ASIN lookup tool that tells you everything you need to know about a product’s functions on Amazon. Gather performing ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Number) and it will give you keyword suggestions, including all of the keywords rank and volume in a snap. This will help you gauge the competition.

Helium 10 Magnet

Magnet is a keyword research tool for Amazon sellers. Just enter a “seed” keyword, and Magnet suggests related terms, helping you uncover even more organic easy traffic game of words. The more relevant terms you have, the higher the chance you’ll rank your product.

Helium 10 Frankenstein

Frankenstein is very helpful for every listing optimization. When your Amazon keyword research list is combined, cleaned up, and turned into a more cohesive group. This will help sort the keyword list by frequency. Frankenstein allows you to edit and refine those thousands of keywords quickly into the most useful and effective for your product listings and PPC ads.

Helium 10 Blackbox

Blackbox is a niche research tool to find profitable, winning products. One can filter products according to the maximum/minimum turnover or the maximum/minimum sales. Thus, you can search for products that meet specific criteria or not. Like price, ranking, sales revenue, etc.

Helium 10 Scribbles

Scribbles is a listing optimizer tool that helps sellers ensure listings are 100% optimized correctly and attract more organic traffic to listings. It automatically populates a “used keywords” data field as you add a given keyword to your title, description, or bullet points.

These are just some of the powerful tools Helium 10 can offer. It's an all-in-one powerful solutions to be on top of the "game".

We're making it easy for you to handle all repetitive tasks to manage your Amazon business. An Amazon PPC Specialist, Expert in Helium 10 will do the things you don’t want to work on and successfully get it done at the end of the day.

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